From: | Russell Brown <> |
To: | Benjamin Zipursky <> | | | | |
Date: | 10/11/2009 14:49:23 UTC |
Subject: | Re: legal ethics |
I think Ben's examples are all useful. In the Canadian context, I deal with
his sixth point in my torts class in light of Toneguzzo-Norvell v. Savein,
[1994] 1 S.C.R. 114, where the SCC considered a trial judgment which
increased the award for the female plaintiff on the basis of the "positive
contingency" that the wage disparity will someday disappear.
To Ben's list, I would also add the conflicting duties (as between insured
and insurer) owed by defence counsel when coverage is an issue. (My
colleague, Barbara Billingsley, has written on this - see (2000) Can. Bar
Rev. 221-51).
----- Original Message -----
From: "Benjamin Zipursky" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 7:34 AM
Subject: Re: legal ethics
> Your question about how to integrate legal ethics and torts is of great
> interest to me.
> I think there are a number of legal ethics issues that can be brought into
> a torts class, although I confess that I do not integrate them as well or
> as consistently as I think I should. Here is a sampling of some of the
> tort/legal ethics issues that I think are of significant interest even
> apart from the pedagogical directive you have received. They are, to
> different degrees, possible and valuable to bring into class. [N.B. Some
> will cross national borders better than others.]
> 1. Duties to non-clients in legal malpractice claims. It is not just
> intended beneficiaries of wills who now sue lawyers for negligently
> drafting the will. There is a range of cases, including also those
> providing opinion letters for a transaction in which non-clients are
> involved. These raise interesting conflict of interest questions in
> legal ethics and they raise interesting questions on the "duty" element of
> negligence.
> 2. Duties of candor to the tribunal in settlement of a personal injury
> claim. The American classic Spalding v. Zimmerman , 116 N.W.2d 704
> (Minn. 1962) is a great case of this nature.
> 3. Aggregate litigation and settlement. This happens to be an issue
> currently of great importance to the American Law Institute and its
> Aggregate litigation project. As is well known, the asbestos litigation
> in the U.S. has been difficult to bring to any closure because of
> conflicts of interest problems that were said (by the U.S. Supreme Court,
> rightly in my view) to present an obstacle to class certification under
> the Federal Rules. Less well known, but currently more important, is the
> cluster of legal ethics problems that bedevil lawyers for both sides when
> they try to settle non-class aggregate litigation, like the Vioxx
> litigation. The big question is whether the system does or should permit
> a plaintiff's law firm that has a raft of 1,000 personaly injury
> clients -- not part of a class -- from making a package deal with the
> defendant without really providing each client any say in whether he or
> she accepts the terms of the settlement. The obvious answer is tha!
> t this is impermissible, as ethics rules now stand. The interesting
> question is whether lawyers should be permitted to have their clients
> authorize such settlement in advance (with certain conditions), when they
> sign a retainer agreement.
> 4. A variety of questions about the morality of extended motion practice
> and onerous discovery requests and claims of privilege will be more easily
> appreciated in torts case, in my view, than in many other contexts.
> 5. There are currently, in the U.S., disputes about whether tort claims
> should be assignable and whether "maintenance" and "champerty" should be
> permitted. These are also legal profession/ethics/torts issues.
> 6. Perhaps this is more political and constitutional than ethical, but I
> think it is of interest to students: should a defense lawyer presenting
> actuarial testimony about diminished (or eliminated) future earnings of an
> injured (or deceased) plaintiff put forward statistics that are
> gender-based or race-based (e.g., plaintiff Smith would not have earned as
> much as a physician as the average in the twenty professional years she
> lost because of the injury defendant inflicted, because women physicians
> earn less than average). Most defense lawyers will be careful not to use
> such words, of course, but their experts may well provide actuarial data
> that in essence makes the same point.
> I hope this is of some help.
> Regards,
> Ben Zipursky
> Fordham Law School
> New York, NY
>>>> Vaughan Black <> 11/09/09 10:24 AM >>>
> Colleagues, I would be interested in hearing suggestions of fruitful
> avenues for
> introducing questions of legal ethics and professional responsibility in a
> torts
> course.
> When I used to teach contracts I found this pretty easy. For instance one
> might
> identify a contractual term that would be ineffective against consumers
> and
> then raise the question of whether it would be ethical for a contract
> drafter
> to include such a term in a standard-form contract (knowing that some
> consumers
> would read the term and think they were bound by it, even though they were
> not).
> The institution I teach at says that I am supposed to bring discussions of
> lawyers' ethics into the classroom in my substantive courses, but in my
> teaching of torts (which mostly involves analysis of appellate cases in
> the
> tort of negligence) I have not found it easy to identify good occasions
> for
> this.
> Regards,
> vb